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TRD Dosing & Administration | SPRAVATO® (esketamine) HCP

Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD) Dosing and Administration Overview1

TRD Dosing Frequency and Strengths are Flexible1

  • SPRAVATO® is administered by the patient at a certified treatment center where the patient is monitored by a healthcare provider for at least two hours
Person looking up in orange circle


Dosing SPRAVATO® induction and optimization/maintenance frequency
  • SPRAVATO® must be taken with an oral AD
  • SPRAVATO® is self-administered only under the supervision of a healthcare provider
  • Evidence of therapeutic benefit should be evaluated at the end of the induction phase to determine need for continued treatment
  • Dosing frequency should be individualized to the lowest frequency required to maintain remission/response
Nasal spray and person reclining in chair red icon


  • Patient-administered under supervision of a healthcare provider (eg, a psychiatrist, nurse, or nurse practitioner)
Eye red icon

Monitoring & Discharge

  • Observation by a healthcare provider will be required for at least 2 hours until the provider determines the patient is safe to leave
  • Monitor patients for changes in respiratory status (including pulse oximetry) at each treatment session
  • Blood pressure should be monitored prior to and 40 minutes after administration and subsequently as clinically warranted until values remain consistent at a safe level and the treatment session ends
  • Patients should not drive or operate heavy machinery until the next day, following a restful sleep
    • Patients should coordinate transportation after treatment
Careful consideration is advised prior to treatment of individuals with a history of substance use disorder, including alcohol. Monitoring for signs of abuse and dependence is recommended.


1. SPRAVATO® [Prescribing Information]. Titusville, NJ: Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc.